Miss Hunter's class tie-dying shirts for our spirit day on Friday! #GORAMS #4graderocks #science
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
🐏 rock
🐏 rock
🐏 rock
about 3 years ago, Sarah West
Miss Hunter's class tie-dying shirts for our spirit day on Friday! #GORAMS #4graderocks #science
about 3 years ago, Jennifer Hunter
🐏 rock
🐏 rock
🐏 rock
🐏 rock
8th graders READING!
about 3 years ago, Sarah West
8th Graders Reading!
Great times at recess 😎
about 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Great times at recess 😎
Great times at recess 😎
Teacher showing students how to boogie board 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Teacher showing students how to boogie board 😎
Dance 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Dance 😎
Dance 😎
Dance 😎
Dance 😎
Movies 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
movies 😎
Water Day 4Th and 5Th 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Water Day 4Th and 5Th 😎
Tk and Kinder forming snakes...
over 3 years ago, Ms. Barajas
kinder and TK creating 3 D snakes
Field Trip with Awesome students 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Field Trip with awesome students 😎
School Board Meeting June 8, 2021 5:30 pm Cafeteria, Ducor Elementary
over 3 years ago, Jeff Delk
*Parent Meeting TODAY JUNE 1, 2021!!! * Reunion de Padres HOY 01 de Junio del 2021. @ 6 pm. Via Zoom https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4806755425?pwd=dGo4eGdxMFU3eE01c1ZMMVlTMjFyZz09 Meeting ID: 480 675 5425 Passcode: Ducor * For help joining meeting over the phone please call Ms. Solis We will be takin any questions and talking about Summer School. Si necesita ayuda por teléfono marque a la Senorita Solis 559-462-0460 Estaremos tomando preguntas y hablando sobre Escuela de Verano
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Hamburger day 4th grade class 😎
over 3 years ago, Louis Smith
Hamburger day 4th grade class 😎
Kid Power Student Body would like to thank everyone for participating in our art contest. Please watch the video for each class winner and the Overall winner of our PRIZE box!!! El cuerpo estudiantil de Kid Power desea agradecer a todos por participar en nuestro concurso de arte. ¡Mire el video de cada ganador de la clase y el ganador general de nuestra caja de PREMIOS! https://youtu.be/kLkSHTVMcqo
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Hello Ducor Parents and Students. Summer is approaching very quickly and we want to know who will be interested in participating in Summer School. Please fill out the survey below. We love to hear from you. Hola, padres y estudiantes de Ducor. El verano se acerca muy rápido y queremos saber quién estará interesado en participar en la Escuela de Verano. Por favor de llenar la encuesta a continuación. Nos encanta saber de ti. English: https://forms.gle/E2SKrFNnpqZDqyTs5 Espanol: https://forms.gle/MqW3gGtjXHSCcfK69
over 3 years ago, Lupita Flores
Emergency Broadband Benefit Families with children at Ducor Union Elementary are eligible to receive a $50.00 credit towards their broadband. This federally funded program is being offered by Varcomm. Varcomm will be on site May 24, 2021 from 4:00pm-6:00pm to help families sign up and navigate the process so that they can receive the federal benefit as quickly as possible. Please come by the school so Varcomm can help you sign up. O: 530-585-2219 C: 559-788-7105 F: 530-585-2260 W: www.varcomm.net A: 16545 Rancho Tehama Rd. Corning CA, 96021
over 3 years ago, Isidro Rodriguez
Su estudiante(s) necesita servicios de tutoría o quizás esté interesado en actividades STEM, educación física y/o sistemas de recompensa? El programa CHOICES después de la escuela ofrece servicios de tutoría de Lunes a Viernes, actividades de enriquecimiento, educación física como el deporte de porrista y el programa Sports For Learning, el programa ClassCraft y mucho más. Ahora estamos aceptando solicitudes para el año escolar 2021-2022. ¿Está interesado en registrar a su estudiante(s)? Puede recoger un formulario de registro el Jueves, 20 de Mayo 2021 y el Viernes, 21 de Mayo 2021 de 4:00pm-6:00pm. Ms. Rodriguez estará allí para responder cualquier pregunta o inquietud. También puede recoger un formulario de registro con Ruby en la oficina principal. Los padres o encargados son responsables de completar el formulario de registro. Las fechas para entregar el formulario de registro serán el Jueves, 27 de Mayo 2021 y el Viernes, 28 de Mayo 2021 de 4:00pm-6:00pm. Por favor comuniquese con la líder del programa, Ms. Rodriguez, al (559) 909-8115 por teléfono o a Stephanier@tularecoe.net por correo electrónico. Registración (RECOGIDA) fecha y horario: Jueves, 20 de Mayo 2021 y Viernes, 21 de Mayo 2021 de 4:00pm-6:00pm Registración (ENTREGA) fecha y horario: Jueves, 27 de Mayo 2021 y Viernes, 28 de Mayo 2021 de 4:00pm-6:00pm Lugar de registro: Ducor Union Elementary School (ESTACIONAMIENTO AFUERA DE LA CAFETERÍA.) Fecha límite de registración: Miércoles, 15 de Junio 2021
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Rodriguez
Choices After School Program
Does your student(s) need tutoring services or perhaps interested in STEM activities, physical education, and/or reward systems? The CHOICES after-school program provides tutoring services Monday-Friday, enrichment activities, physical education such as cheer and Sports For Learning, ClassCraft and so much more. We are now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 school year. Are you interested in registering your student(s)? You may pick up a registration form on Thursday, May 20, 2021 and Friday, May 21, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm. Ms. Rodriguez will be there to answer any questions or concerns. You may also pick up a registration form from Ruby in the main office. Parents and/or guardians are responsible for filling out the registration form. Drop off dates are Thursday, May 27, 2021 and Friday, May 28, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm. Please contact the site lead, Ms. Rodriguez, at (559) 909-8115 via phone or Stephanier@tularecoe.net via email. Registration (PICK-UP) date and time: Thursday, May 20, 2021 and Friday, May 21, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm Registration (DROP-OFF) date and time: Thursday, May 27, 2021 and Friday, May 28, 2021 at 4:00pm-6:00pm Registration location: Ducor Union Elementary School (FRONT PARKING LOT. OUTSIDE THE CAFETERIA.) Registration deadline: Wednesday, June 15, 2021
over 3 years ago, Stephanie Rodriguez
Choices After School Program
TK/Kinder Opera Virtual Field trip..
over 3 years ago, Ms. Barajas
TK and Kinder VIrtual Opera Day...
TK and Kinder VIrtual Opera Day...